Sunday, February 3, 2013

Writing Consultant Highlight - Morgan Keschl

Writing Consultant Highlight 
Morgan Keschl

Morgan is a senior Communication major who has an interest in working class images in media. With a tedious writing process, this consultant likes to unwind with unusual breeds of music. Morgan offers rather comforting advice to writers to start writing early and break it into pieces, as well as a more broad scope of the stresses of writing and deadlines.

See below for Morgan's insights:

As a writing consultant, you know how to put a paper together, but what is your writing process like?
My process, embarrassingly, is really monotonous. First, I use a few databases and research a general topic. Once I get enough articles on a general topic, I find what is in common between them and the differences as well as any outlying questions I have; this helps me form a thesis. Then I pull useful quotes and information from these sources, followed by making outlines by sections of my paper. 
The longest part of writing a paper is putting together the outline. I literally put all my information in order. Yes, this is nuts, but it makes writing the actual paper easy since I have a good guide. Still, this is not a fancy outline at all!

Let’s face it: No one is perfect. What is your biggest writing challenge?
I tend to be wordy and want to include as much detail as possible. I'm a pretty detail-oriented person, so I tend to think everything is relevant. There comes a point when I have to be more objective with myself.

How does your major help you become a better writer? How has Cedar Crest helped you become a better writer?
I am a weathered communication major, and naturally, writing is communication. I had the opportunity to be a staff writer, news editor, and managing editor of The Crestiad during my time at CCC, so that in itself is a style of writing that is creative and yet pretty mechanical. On the academic side, I love challenge of analyzing media content and writing about it. I'm also a research nerd \O--O/ so using my writing skills and my analytical skills is great.

What is something interesting not many people know about you?
Hmm, well, I am into metal, industrial, goth, and post-grunge music. My favorite bands have been Type O Negative and Six Feet Under, but I'm expanding my music scope as we speech. I like variety and my playlist is definitely interesting.

What is your favorite book? Why?
My favorite book would have to be Brave New World. I'm much more of a nonfiction person, but this is a good read. I read it a few years ago and it is about a future society that is very mechanical and the main character is struggling within it to be a more in-depth. I won't spoil the whole book for you!
What is your general advice to writers?
Be patient. You will get through it. By breaking writing into steps and starting well in advance, you will succeed. When in doubt, remember --this is only one minor aspect out of your whole life.


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